Cryptnox FIDO2 Card technical specifications

FIDO2 v2.0 Specifications

Execution Environment

  • JCOP 4 from NXP with ECC module (other chips on request)
  • Applet Size: 37kb

Applet Certification

  • FIDO 2.0, Level1
    Note : higher certifications available on request

Applet characteristics

  • U2Fv2, CTAP 2.0 authenticator 
  • NFC ISO-IEC 14443 contactless and ISO-IEC 7816 contact interfaces 
  • Basic attestation with x509 certificate, “packed” attestation statement 
  • Full 2-way interoperability with U2F-CTAP1 
  • EC Digital Signature with 256R1 parameters (“ES256”) 
  • 32-bit signature counter, reset to 1 upon authenticator reset 
  • Command total maximum size « maxMsgSize »: 629 bytes 
  • Multiple accounts per Relying Party 
  • Resident Key credentials (discoverable) 32 slots 
  • Authenticator Assertion is generated in less than 0.3 second

Applet Options

  • Hmac Secret

Client Management Application

  • iOS mobile application (PIN & configuration management)


  • 9c835346–796b-4c27–8898-d6032f515cc5

FIDO2 v2.1 Specifications

Execution Environment

  • JCOP 4 / 4.5 from NXP with ECC module (other chips on request) – JCOP 4 / DESFire EV2-J
  • Applet Size: 68 kb (with 64 credential slots)

Applet Certification

  • FIDO 2.1, Level1
    Note : higher certifications available on request

Applet characteristics

  • U2Fv2, FIDO 2.0 and FIDO 2.1 standards
  • NFC ISO 14443 contactless and ISO 7816 contact interfaces
  • EC Digital Signature (ECDSA) with NIST P256 (256R1) parameters
  • 32 bits signature counter, reset to 0 upon authenticator reset
  • Multiple accounts per Relying Party
  • Resident keys credentials (64 credential slots)
  • CredManagement commands

Applet Options

  • HmacSecret
  • CredProtect
  • CredBlob for Resident-Keys
  • minPinLength: stores up to 4 authorized RPs

Client Management Application

  • iOS mobile application (PIN & configuration management)


  • 1d1b4e33-76a1-47fb-97a0-14b10d0933f1