How to use Kiosk mode

Step by step tutorial

Download the Cryptnox application

Ensure that you have downloaded and installed the Cryptnox App on your device.
Launch the app to begin the initialization process.

iOS App Store
Google Play

Step 1

You will need to setup the hardware wallet card first. If you have not done it yet, you can use either of these methods to set it up.

Note: The following steps are going to take place after setting up the hardware wallet card.

Step 2

Go to settings and select “Kiosk Mode”.

Step 3

Configure a receiving address , tap top right “settings icon”.

Step 4

Tap “Authenticate” to change settings and
tap “select an address” to create an address.
And then tap “+” at top right corner to add a new address.

Step 5

Tap desired option here.
PS: In this example, we are going with “Enter an address” option.

Step 6

You can scan, paste or type the address and give it a label or tap “Change” to change token here.

Note: Populate example here: If you scanned to populate the address field, remove the “ethereum:” or whatever prefix, addresses start from “0x”.

Step 7

Tap the newly created address and then tap “Submit”.

Step 8

It is now ready to use. You can enter a amount and tap “confirm”. Then you will have to enter PIN number.

Step 9

A pop up to scan your Cryptnox card will appear and perform the scanning.

Step 10

Congratulations. You have successfully used Kiosk mode for a transaction.
A pop up to view your transaction will appear.